I've been working on my project. It's been slow, but I'm moving forward. I'm going to be doing a video and updating this blog. Here is the outline:

  1. Introduction:
    1. I'm a story teller. My passion is to tell stories. Yes not so many people read them, but doesn't mean I'm gonna stop.
    2. My storytelling journey started when I was 10 years old. Probably earlier. I was inspired by young adult novels, back in Egypt. From there I started writing similar type of stories.
    3. When I came to Canada I continued. I was inspired by Star Trek and wrote a star trek novel.
    4. Then I got involved in the church and eventually started serving the Youth. The next step of my storytelling evolution was to create plays with the kids I served.
    5. In 2004 I took the next leap and started making movies. That's when I was introduced to Blender, back in its 2.3 days. Thanks to Andrew Kramer for introducing me to Blender. I kept making movies until 2018.
    6. That's when I shifted and wanted to create an animated film. For some reason, I had a hard time coming up with a story, but eventually I wrote a feature script, followed by a short, which I'm currently happy with. These stories have their roots in thoughts and stories I've written about in the past. This seems to be my ammo. I come up with a set of ideas and I keep pursuing them over the years in different forms. If you surf this site, you'll see what I mean.
    7. Anyhow, after I had my script I shifted my attention to story boarding. As I was doing the storyboard, I was struck by the idea of comic books. Why not create an amalgamation between a comic book and a movie. My reasons started out being pragmatic. Actually animating everything will take a tone of time. However, I found that I can create my storyboard relatively rapidly. It's definitely suited for a one man job.
    8. I started going around and looking at comic books. Now, I'm not a comic book nut, but as I started reading some comic books, I found that I like them quiet a lot. I actually really got into one titled Namibia.
    9. What I found great about comic books is the combination of text and visuals. You can tell a story quiet effectively that way. Now I'm considering adding a different dimension to that. Actually filming parts of the story and integrating it in the comic book.
    10. This will require a bit of a combination of skills. I'll use my software skills to modify a comic book reader to also play videos. So this is the road I'm on right now. Create a comic book/movie hybrid. We'll see how that goes.
    11. Although my reasons started out pragmatic: finding a way to finish my project in a reasonable amount of time, but it evolved into a creative decision. I can create a new medium for storytelling. An audio/visual comic book.
    12. Now this is not an audio drama comic book. It's a comic book with sound effects/sound track + movie elements. It combines all the different elements I enjoy working on, but in a way which allows me to finish the work in a reasonable amount of time. At least that's the hope. Time will tell.