I'm getting excited, I think. Got my two year plan roughed out. My objective is to get the animated series draft 1 done in 2 years. What does that mean? The way I'm currently thinking about it, and it's very possible this will change as I get more experience, is to finish a non-polished draft of the episodes. Basically, all the elements will be there, but not in their finalized form. For example, there will need to be quiet a bit of ruined buildings. There are a lot of details in a ruined building; rubble, dust, etc. Modeling such a building is time consuming and detracts from progress, I think. My goal is to use a place holder for such detailed models. It'll still look like a ruined building, but not as detailed. I have to see how that'll work with the animation. This might not be a general rule. I might make a lot of exceptions, but it's what I'm thinking of now. The goal is not to get bogged down with all the details, rather do an iterative method, where I start with a rough draft and keep polishing it, until I get it to where I want.

Here is my current plan. It'll be fleshed out as I move along