Some technical mambo jambo to follow.

If you need to import makehuman using MHX2, you'll need to follow the instructions here.

The scripts provided works fine for 2.79, but the API has changed in 2.80, so you'll get a python error when importing. I fixed the script. I wanted to push a patch into their repository, but don't know how. Until I figure it out, here is the diff. You can apply it on your version of the MHX2 script under 'scripts/addons/import_runtime_mhx2/' to get it working:

diff ../../../../2.79/scripts/addons/import_runtime_mhx2/ 
<         ob.select_set(value)
>         ob.select_set(action=('SELECT' if value else 'DESELECT'))
<             ob1.select_set(False)
<         ob.select_set(False)
>             ob1.select_set(action='DESELECT')
>         ob.select_set(action='SELECT')